If you have an education from abroad, you may need a formal approval before it is recognized in Norway. This may be the case for certain occupational groups, or for certain bachelor's or master's studies in connection with applications for further studies.
In Norway, it’s the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), which approves foreign education. Foreign education is normally approved, but there may still be several reasons why your foreign education will not be approved. This may, for example, be in cases where NOKUT cannot verify that the education you have received is in fact a valid education in the country in which it was taken. It may also be that the education is formally recognized, but that it is not recognized at the level you want. For example, a three-year American bachelor's degree will normally only be approved as two years in Norway.
In the event of a refusal to approve a foreign education, the decision can be appealed within three weeks from the date of the decision. In order to succeed in a complaint about approval of a foreign education, a lot of documentation is normally required. It can be challenging to complain about rejection from NOKUT, but it can be worth it if you are sure that the education should have been approved.
The Proceedings in a Case Concerning a Complaint About the Approval of a Foreign Education
The appeal is first processed by NOKUT itself. NOKUT makes a new assessment of the entire application, based on your feedback in the complaint. If NOKUT concludes that an error of law has been committed, or if the new substantive examination shows that the conditions for approval have been met, NOKUT will reverse its own decision. If NOKUT concludes that the conditions are still not met, the appeal will automatically be sent to NOKUT's Appeals Board. NOKUT's Appeals Board only has the opportunity to assess whether NOKUT has made errors of application of law. In other words, the Appeals Board cannot review NOKUT's professional assessments.
The Right to a Lawyer
You have the right to be represented by a lawyer at all stages of the case. Advokat Ruben Haugland has previously served 2 years on NOKUT's Appeals Board. Haugland has extensive experience in handling complaints about approval of foreign education, and has in-depth knowledge of the relevant regulations.
Costs for a lawyer in connection with the approval of a foreign education must usually be covered by the applicant himself. Haugland will make a thorough assessment of the case, and give you good advice on whether it will be worthwhile to complain or not. If you decide to appeal the decision, Haugland will be able to offer you solid representation throughout the case, in addition to unique guidance throughout the process.